Trial Technology & Presentation Services

Trial technology and presentation services

Electronic courtroom presentations for instant access to all case information

Electronic trial presentations leverage the power of computers, projectors, and flat screen monitors to transform how information is shared in the courtroom. These dynamic presentations allow for interactive engagement with exhibits, offering an experience that static graphics cannot match. This approach significantly improves juror comprehension of the case, fosters a deeper sense of engagement, and enhances the retention of critical information.

  • Hot Seat operation
  • Operation of software and audio/visual equipment to display evidence, documents, graphics, and videos
  • Trial presentation database creation and management
  • Fully equipped for remote hosting, remote presentation services, and hybrid trial environments

By harnessing the efficiency and convenience of trial presentation software such as OnCue, our Trial Presentation Specialists efficiently compile and manage all exhibits in an electronic database, accommodating cases of any size. This eliminates the tedious task of sifting through extensive trial binders to locate specific exhibits. Electronic presentations can be swiftly updated and shared with your team, facilitating seamless presentations to audiences anywhere.

Our Trial Technicians have experience across all practice areas, including (but is not limited to) Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Securities, Intellectual Property, Aviation, Maritime, Environmental, Insurance, Construction, Criminal, Product Liability, Labor & Employment, and Contract disputes.

Legal Graphics and Forensic Animations

In addition to jury consulting and research services, we also offer legal graphics, forensic animations, 2D and 3D models, photography and videography services, interactive timelines, and more to help engage and educate your jury.

About TrialQuest

TrialQuest is the combined result of two pioneering trial services companies, TrialEx and DecisionQuest, each with over 30 years of experience advising and supporting litigators across the country. By uniting our strengths, we offer an expanded suite of comprehensive solutions for all phases of litigation, empowering trial teams to confidently present the most persuasive case.  TrialQuest provides a comprehensive approach to litigation support through our strategic trial consulting, multi-media trial graphics, and trial presentation services. We help trial teams navigate the complexities of litigation and gain a winning edge.